How to Install a Shower Screen with Glass and Glazing

By on Aug 9, 2023 in Blog, Glass | 0 comments

A modern bathroom can’t be complete without a sleek and stylish shower screen. A shower screen not only adds a sense of elegance to your bathroom but also provides a practical solution for preventing water from splashing out of your shower. Glass and glazing technology have made it possible to create shower screens that are not only aesthetically pleasing but also durable and long-lasting. In this blog post, we’ll show you the step-by-step process of installing a shower screen using glass and glazing.

Measure and Prepare your Shower Area

glass and glazing

Before you purchase a shower screen, it’s important to measure your shower area to determine the size and shape of the screen you need. Once you’ve decided on the right shower screen for your bathroom, ensure all the required tools are ready. The tools you may need include a drill, screws, spirit level, measuring tape, and a silicon sealant. Remove any old shower screens, tiles, or fixtures that obstruct the installation area.

Install the Shower Screen Brackets

Start by marking the correct positions for the brackets on the wall using a spirit level. Next, use a drill to drill holes for the brackets on the wall. Screw the brackets into the holes and ensure they are tightly fitted.

Install the Glass Panel

Carefully slide the glass panel into the brackets and ensure it sits properly. Ensure the glass panel is level, adjust if required, and secure with screws. Use the spirit level to make sure that the fixings remain level.

Seal the Edges

Once your shower screen is installed, the edges need to be sealed with a silicon sealant to prevent water leakage. Use a generous amount of sealant to ensure that no water can seep between the glass and the wall. Smooth out any bumps in the sealant using your finger or a damp cloth.

Clean the Glass

After the installation is complete, clean the glass by using glass cleaner solution and a soft, clean cloth. Be sure to remove any smudges, fingerprints, and streaks that may have remained on the surface.


There you have it, installing a shower screen using glass and glazing isn’t as complicated as it may seem. With the right tools and the correct steps, you’ll be able to upgrade your bathroom and enjoy the benefits of having a sleek and modern shower screen. Remember to take your time, carefully measure everything, and properly secure all the fixings. You’ll be amazed at how much of a difference a beautiful and functional shower screen will make in your bathroom.